Tag Archives: coconut oil for head lice

How kids get lice? What is best method for natural lice treatment?

Kids get lice when they meet for play, in schools, in social gatherings and also due to sharing of hair accessories. Lice-Nil lice eliminator oil is best for treatment.

Birthday Party is not for lice

With planning a birthday party for your kid, add another most important task that will be helpful for the annual social gathering. Yes, you guessed it right – check for head lice. This will assure that these tiny bugs don’t spoil the fun nor do they spread to other guests. This will save from getting the worst post-party text from other parents – “My child got lice after you party.”

Share carefully, don’t share lice

It is an accepted fact that lice spread through sharing of clothing or hair accessories. Hats, scarves, coats, hair ribbons or bands, combs and also stuffed animals, towels can be carriers of lice. When you need to share these among yourself, double check them for lice. This is effective if done from both ends, before sharing and before accepting. If one is using a shared locker for clothing, make sure the others have no lice infestations.

Share play-time, not lice

Head-to-head contact with infested kids is most common and sure way to spread head lice. Head-to-head contact is mainly occurs during play at school, at camps, at home, and social gathering where children like to play amongst themselves. If kids are involved in any kind of sports, parents need to make sure that they have their own gear. Keep a track that it is not passed on or shared with other children.

Natural Head Lice Treatment

Lice-Nil is a perfect blend of essential oils for head lice treatment. Neem oil kills lice and destroys nits. Coconut oil and tea tree oils help in repairing the damage and conditioning the hair. Lice-Nil is effective lice eliminator oil for natural head lice treatments.

Don’t ruin your Thanksgiving due to head lice!

If you don’t want to make Thanksgiving celebration and lice-giving one, be careful. Read here to enjoy Thanksgiving a better and healthy way.

In US, this Thursday families will have a huge get-together and enjoy meal of turkey and cranberry sauce. Yes, you guessed it right – it’s ‘Thanksgiving day’. There will be hugs and children playing round with siblings and grandparents. Here is the reminder that head lice can spread due to such emotional and loving gestures. There are cases of spike in head lice infestation after Thanksgiving day.

How Lice Spreads On Thanksgiving?

When its Thanksgiving, people visit families and friends to celebrate. We may not know but visit a family struggling with head lice. If only one and one only brings lice to party, there becomes a high risk of head lice spreading all over. There tiny bugs can crawl from one head to another by hugs and such loving gestures. On the other hand, there can be sharing of hats, hair accessories like hair bands, clips, also jackets etc which can ease the lice to spread. If it is a long stay, lice infestation increases. Moreover, lice can fall off on sofas, bed linen and spread further. Children wrestle, play, hug each other, watch TV together. They may be already infested with head lice from school, kids play areas and other such locations.

How to Prevent head lice on Thanksgiving?

If you are a host, most of the work is yours. Check yourself and your kids for head lice. If detected any adopt natural lice treatment methods to get rid of head lice. Lice-Nil is and effective lice eliminator oil which has a perfect blend of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils. These essential oils and kill lice and also destroy nits. Vacuum the sofas, bed linen and wash heavy clothes like jackets that come in direct contact with hair.
If you are guest, you need to check for head lice too.This will help lice spreading at party venue. Here, you can educate your kids on how lice spread and take extra precautions if detected. Raise an alarm if seen, it is nothing to be ashamed of.
It is also advisable to check for head lice in children before and after gatherings.

What measures to be taken if lice detected on Thanksgiving?

If at all lice or nits are detected during Thanks giving gathering, don’t panic. Instead let everyone present for the celebration know,”We have a problem!” Check the ones who have already got lice. As we keep first-aids kits handy, lice treatment kit also should be kept handy during these occasions. Use Lice-Nil oil such that head lice get killed and nits get destroyed due to it effectiveness to do both tasks. Nit-combing can also help in this case.

After Thanksgiving, check for head lice again. Vacuum the sofas, mattresses and wash all clothes, bed linen, stuffed toys such that there is no sign of lice left. This measures need to be taken to be safe irrespective of lice present or not.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Head Lice : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments!

Head lice is one of the most hated parasites on human head. Know more here about symptoms, causes and treatments of head lice.

What are the Symptoms of head lice?

Head lice, if present, on head can feel the crawling sensation. The itching on head due to lice bites on scalp is another commonly known symptom. Itching is mainly near back of ears, on top of head. Nits are small tiny white or pale yellow lice eggs. Those are visible to naked eyes can be removed by nit combs.

What are the Causes of head lice?

Lice doesn’t generate on its own in head. It spreads from direct contact of person already having head lice. Also, care should be taken to clear bed pillows, linen and hair combs and other accessorises that come in contact to hair and head.

What are some OTC and Chemical Lice treatment products?

Chemical Lice treatment products available give results that are short lived. They are mainly shampoo which have the activity to wash off lice and nits. They also have fine toothed “nit-picking” combs in their packages. The rough combing is tedious and also hurts. However, lice have developed resistance to these chemicals. Lice treatment if done with lice treatment oils, can be proved beneficial as one can get rid of head lice from the roots.

Many OTC medications are made form chemical compounds that is toxic to lice, can be a problem for human scalp too. Those are mainly Permethrin and Pyrethrin with additives Side-effects can be redness on scalp, itching etc.

What are the best Natural lice treatment methods?

Essential oils to get rid of lice

Studies show that proper use of essential oils in required quantities can help get rid of head lice. Neem oil, tea tree oil and coconut oil are widely used lice eliminator oils. When blended in adequate quantities can kill lice and nits both. Olive oil and anise oil also have lice repelling properties.

Wet-combing lice treatment

Nit-combing is what this is known as. The procedure is rough combing of wet hair with fine-toothed comb until all the lice and nits is gone. This activity is done twice or thrice a week.

Smothering agents for head lice cure

A number of household products are used for head lice treatments. The main reason is these product suffocate head lice and cover the nits to be easily thrown out by washing with warm water. Mayonnaise, unprocessed butter and Petroleum jelly are known examples of these.

Dehydration head lice treatment

This is a different kind of treatment. It is blowing hot air in hair and dehydrating the head lice. It kills head lice and nits by drying them through dehydration.

Stop using harmful chemicals to get rid of head lice!

Natural and non-toxic methods to get rid of head lice is safest and best. Chemical lice treatments have many side-effects and short-lived. Read more.

The over-the-counter medicines for lice treatment show immediate effect and one can get rid of head lice. However, the effects of it are short-lived and head lice can come back soon.

Essential oils for Lice Treatment

A few of commonly known essential oils have been proved useful for head lice treatment. These are natural lice treatment oils and have a long lasting effect. Neem oil is used for eliminating lice and nits. Coconut oil is greasy in nature and thus chokes up lice. Tea tree oil when mixed in proper proportions with neem oil or coconut oils make a deadly combination for head lice. Olive oil is also said to be effective for natural head lice treatment. Lice-nil is natural lice eliminator oil which has only three ingredients of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil.

Nit-picking and Hot Air Lice Treatments

This is, though, a natural lice cure is tedious and requires lots of hard work. Nit picking is painful too. You would need special fine tooth nit comb for this. This involves no natural or chemical products, only physical rough combing. nit picking is difficult as it needs to be done periodically, at least 2-3 times a week until all lice is gone.

Other Lice Removal Products

Garlic when ground to fine paste and applied on hair, can be used to eliminate head lice. Add 2-3 drops of lime juice or water to paste before applying. Mayonnaise chokes the head lice. Mayonnaise when applied overnight can kill head lice. However, due to greasy nature, it is not advisable to use mayonnaise on head. Keeping overnight and using plastic bags have a risk of being fatal for small kids. Salt and vinegar solution also gets rid of head lice.

What are Alternative Ways to Eliminate Lice and Nits?

As lice is found to be immune to OTC medicines and chemical treatments, we curated a list of natural remedies for head lice. Read here now.

Over-the-counter medicines and chemical treatments are a big NO for parents as they have side-effects for it. Chemical free head lice treatment with natural products is what people are keen to know and try. They all may work or may not work, but are worth a try due to higher success ratio.

    • Tea Tree Oil lice treatment

Tea tree essential oil is one of the most talked about head lice treatments. Tea tree oil is mixed with other essential oils to make more effective natural head lice treatment oil. It is a natural insecticide and hence, repels lice. It has also been proved to suffocate head lice. Tea tree oil based lice treatments have a positive effect.

    • Garlic for lice

Bizarre, isn’t it? It is a known fact that garlic is loaded with natural antibacterial properties, has strong pungent smell. the flavour is intense too. so it becomes you choice whether to have a ‘garlic hair’ or not. garlic Garlic cloves finely ground into paste can be combined with olive oil or lime juice to apply to hair.

    • Mayonnaise lice cure

A sandwich ingredient that finds a place in everyone’s fridge. It is said to suffocate lice. The nits are also removed when the greasy mayo is taken off from hair using shampoo. The procedure is to apply overnight and thus comfortable night sleep is at stake.

    • Dog Shampoo

Dog shampoo is a cheap alternative against expensive lice treatments. It is not a chemical free head lice treatment. A lot of the ingredients found in lice shampoo treatments are commonly found in shampoo for pets. The ingredients found in pet shampoos is similar to what is found in lice shampoos.

    • Rough Combing

Combing with fine toothed comb has always been a home remedy for had lice, since ages. It is a tedious and rough task. A weekly check for head lice and weekly combing is recommended.

    • Coconut Oil for head lice

Coconut oil suffocates the head lice and kills them. Coconut oil also acts as a soothing agent on the scalp that is damaged by lice bites and irritated scratching. Coconut oil due to its greasy nature, doesn’t let head lice.

    • Neem Oil lice treatment

Neem Oil is widely used and commonly know for its medicinal properties. Neem oil is used as an insect repellent. It disrupts the life cycle of head lice and eliminates them. The nits are also destroyed by neem oil. Neem oil lice treatment can be done by mixing it with other essential oils like coconut oil and tea tree oils.

5 Head Lice Myths : Busted!

When you find lice, you become chaotic or embarrassed. Calm down and read more as head lice myths are busted here with effective head lice treatment.

    • Lice Myth 1:

Kids who get head lice need to stay at home until all lice and nits are cleared

Head Lice Myth buster :

Kids who get head lice should not be sent to school as there is a possibility that lice can spread to other children. Once all the alive head lice are gone, a child can be sent to school such that he/she doesn’t miss the studies. Nits if there will take more time to get off. Nits don’t jump from one head to other. However, nit picking should be done at home to fully eradicate lie threat.

    • Lice Myth 2:

Home remedies are effective.

Head Lice Myth buster :

Home remedies like wet combing, nit picking, hair dryer, vinegar, mayonnaise are said to be effective. However, there is no evidence that such techniques work. Essential oils for head lice treatment is best as they are natural. Some require mixing in proper proportions. Lice-Nil is head lice treatment oil available which effectively works for head lice removal.

    • Lice Myth 3 :

Poor hygiene hair gets lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Lice is not a mark of hygiene. As daily shampoo will not assure that you wont get head lice. Lice jumps from one head to another, this is how you get head lice. So its is not about hair hygiene.

    • Lice Myth 4:

Only girls get head lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Girls are more prone to get head lice as they have long hair. However, even boys can get head lice if they come in contact with it. Lice sticks to the strands of hair just close to the scalp. Hence, long or short hair has no effect on head lice infestation.

    • Lice Myth 5:

Only kids get head lice

Head Lice Myth buster :

Also, adults get head lice. If college goers or parents come in contact with head lice, they can also get it. So head lice is not an issue restricted to kids only. One should take proper care such that it does not get head lice.

8 Natural home remedies for head lice that works!

Lice is a common nuisance all around the world. Head lice can be eliminated with these natural home remedies. Read most useful chemical-free head lice treatment advice now!

    1. Mayonnaise

This favourite spread of Americans finds a place in almost all household fridges. Mayonnaise is said to choke head lice and kill them. Apply this creamy stuff overnight and cover your head hair with shower cap. Next day rinse it with water and some kitchen detergent for all the grease to go away. Post to that wet combing with nit comb can get rid of lice. But the major issue here is, only lice are suffocated, the nits are still present and can hatch.

    1. Tea Tree Oil Lice Treatment

Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic properties. It kills the lice. Although, there are a few combinations of other oils to be used with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil cannot be used as a single ingredient. Also, the nits remain intact and can hatch further. This is recommended 2-3 times a week.

    1. Coconut Oil Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is another most important ingredient found at home, which can be effectively used for head lice treatment. It spreads evenly and sticks to hair. Smothering technique useful in this case for head lice treatment. Also, coconut oil traps head lice from jumping and spreading, due to its sticky and greasy nature. Above all, it has a pleasant smell.

    1. Neem Oil Lice Treatment

Neem oil is said to have insecticidal and additional medicinal properties which helps get rid of lice fast. Neem oil is most trusted and proved head lice treatment oil. Neem oil needs to be applied with other essential oils to get rid of lice completely.

    1. Hair Dryer

Hair dryer will not kill all the head lice. If blown dry with maximum setting can destroy nits and kill a few of head lice. Although, there would always be a chance that few of lice fall off and others coming in contact with it can get infested with it.

    1. Wet Combing

Wet combing is another technique that one can do at home to get rid of head lice. It involves wetting of hair with water or conditioner and using fine toothed or nit comb. This needs repetition of 4-5 times a week until no lice or lice eggs are found. Wet combing is a very time consuming and it hurts very badly on sensitive scalp. It has to used in conjuncture with other treatments.

    1. Nit Picking

As the name suggests, this literally means picking each and every nit from you hair. You may use tools like nit comes, small brushes and normal bare fingers. This is tedious and time consuming process. This needs to be done repeatedly till all the nits and lice are taken out.

    1. Salt and Vinegar

Salt and vinegar combination is said to have proved successful for treating of head lice. Salt dehydrated the small lice whereas vinegar kills the young lice and nits. Though, this mixture has no effect on elder or grown lice. Vinegar only helps loosen the glue of head lice on hair strands. This methods needs combing after being done.

Lice Treatment Oil

As discussed above, there are many head lice remedies that you can do at home. Being 100% natural and no use of chemical or even products in some cases, can help remove head lice. Lice-Nil is one such natural head lice treatment oil. It has main ingredients of tea tree oil, neem oil and coconut oil. Lice-Nil is proportionate blend of three essential oils used for lice removal.