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What steps will help a lice-free Thanksgiving celebration?

Here are few guidelines curated such that families enjoy Thanksgiving without lice nuisance. Read here few steps to follow to prevent head lice outbreak.

Thanksgiving it here again. We will have of family and friend get-together to celebrate the occasion. However, with this the small cousins to play with one another and for multiple generations. When it comes to lice spread, there is to vacation get-together. Lice can easily jump from one head to other when infested person come in contact of other.

Raise an Alarm if Head Lice Seen

The first step is to simply raise an alarm if lice is detected on anyone in the family. One should not give an opportunity to head lice to crawl from one head to another. As we know head lice have a robust survival mechanism; they are doing not wish to leave your head, wherever the temperature is perfect and also try to multiply in numbers. There is no shame in getting all educated for head lice at home.

Check for House-hold or Hotel seatings, linen for head lice

Also at home or restaurant chairs made of fabric or cloth. If anyone comes in contact with such while sitting which has already head lice fallen from infested person, one is likely to get it. Travelling from one place to other also helps lice to travel from one place to other. Check for bed linens, chairs etc if they have come in contact with someone already having head lice.

Lice Prevention with Cleaning and Vacuum before visits

It is always better to ask the hosts (or if you are host) to vacuum all possible places where lice may survive to spread. Avoid sharing of hats, hair bands, jackets, any clothing that come in contact with head. Educate children of the same.

Keep you hair healthy as lice can make it weak

Keep the long hair tied. This doesn’t stop lice spread but restricts lice from catching the hair to some positive extent. Use a hair spray or serum such that if any lice come through, it gets slips away.

Natural Head Lice treatment

One should know about lice treatment methods and how essential oils are useful to get rid of head lice. Lice-Nil is one such lice treatment and lice elimination oil. It has perfect blend of neem oil, tea tree oil and coconut oils. Lice-Nil kills lice and destroys nits too. Advisable to use natural lice treatment rather than hazardous chemical lice treatment OTC chemicals.

After visit, check yourself and kids for head lice. If any detected take treatment measures at the earliest possible to avoid further outbreak.

Moreover, what can be better gift than Lice-Nil Oil, lice treatment product, on Amazon eCommerce website if lice is detected to anyone.

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Everything you need to know about Lice Infestation is here!

Lice infestation has been a nuisance amongst adults and kids alike. Read more about lice prevention, checking for lice and lice treatment.

How to check for head lice?

Head Lice, if detected, should be treated before they multiply. It is the best preventive measure for head lice. Lice detection should be done with nit detection too.

How long does lice infestation last?

There is no definitive period for which lice may last. If lice is not treated, it multiplies and spread creating more havoc. Treating lice can help get rid of lice within a week. Lice-Nil is a proper blend of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils which kills lice and destroys nits too.

How does head lice spread?

Head lice come from person already having it to the person who is not affected by lice. They get transferred by direct contact or sharing of items like hair brushes, hats, scarves of infested persons.

What are the symptoms of Head Lice?

The main symptom of head lice is itching. It is mainly due to head lice biting and eating away the scalp. The one who has lice can feel the tiny bugs moving in the hair.

Checking for head lice

Head lice are usually self-diagnoseable. The person having lice can feel the lice crawling on head. The nits can also are seen visible on head in form of tiny dots.

Treating Head Lice

Head Lice treatment consists of anti-parasitic. Natural Head Lice treatments include use of natural oils like neem oil, tea tree oils and coconut oil. The chemical lice treatments are effective for only a small time and lice again come back. Nit-combing is another treatment you can do for eliminating head lice.

Know the Positive effects of Neem Oil Lice Treatment!

Know more here how neem oil lice treatment is effective and how to use. Read now.

Neem Oil is one of the essential oils effective in getting rid of lice and nits. Studies reveal that Neem oil has compounds that disrupt the life cycle of the lice. Head lice is treated with neem oil and can also be prevented by neem oil.

Egyptian researchers conducted a study with 60 children, infested by head lice, in January 2007. The study stated hair ashed with 20 – 30 ml of neem shampoo is highly effective against all stages of head lice. It does not mean that ANY neem shampoo will clean up head lice. Neem oil blended with other oils also can help to get rid of head lice.

It is a known home remedy for head lice treatment. The neem oil has been proved to be highly effective against head lice, more than conventional head lice treatment.

What is Neem Oil?

Neem oil is extracted from seeds of the neem tree, which is native to Indian subcontinent. Neem oil is thick oily substance, not soluble in water and has very pungent odor. The active ingredient of neem oil is azadirachtin, an organic tetranortriterpenoid molecule similar to an insect molting hormone, which disrupts the insect life cycle. Other components such as steroids and triterpenoids are also part of its composition.
Neem oil acts as a prophylactic agent.

How to Use Neem Oil For Lice?

Neem oil is best when used on its own for head lice cure. It may be diluted with other essential oils in proper proportions. Simply massage neem oil into the scalp and comb through the hair. This will help remove any lice or nits. This procedure needs to be repeated for 2-3 times per week until all the nits and lice are eliminated. For sensitive scalps, it is advisable to use neem oil diluted with other oils.

How does neem kill head lice?

Neem contains an insecticidal ingredient, which disrupts life cycle of lice at all stages. The growth and reproduction of lice is stopped and eventually lice are killed. The other ingredient inhibit swallowing system of lice. The appetite is reduced and due to starvation, they die. The strong pungent odor of neem oil is strongly disliked by lice. thus it can be used as a preventive measure too. Neem oil also has healing and soothing properties. it repairs scalp that us eaten up by lice and stops irritation. Being rich in fatty acids and glycerides, neem oil moisturises the scalp skin and adds softness to hair.


4 most effective essential oils for Head Lice Removal!

Know more about which of essential oils are good for lice treatment an which need to be mixed with others for effective lice treatment. Read Now.

  1. Tea tree oil for lice treatment

    Researchers from National Institutes of Health (NIH) states tea tree oil being an effective oil for head lice treatment. Lice and nits can be destroyed by insecticidal activity due to presence of two most important constituents of tea tree oils.Tea tree oil can either be mixed with shampoo or proportionately blended with olive oil or coconut oil. This can be applied for 30-40 minutes to scalp for lice removal.

  2. Neem oil for lice treatment

    Like tea tree oil, few studies say neem oil has all the good reasons to be an effective head lice treatment oil. The compounds in neem oil disturb the life cycle of head lice, making it natural lice repellent. Neem oil-based shampoos or few drops of bitter neem oil in normal shampoo can help wash off head lice and choke away nits.

  3. Lavender oil

    Lavender oil is one another effective and safe essential oil used in head lice treatment. However, it does not kill nits. Research tells that lavender oil is also very effective for head lice treatment for prevention of lice.

  4. Coconut Oil for head lice

Coconut Oil is greasy and can choke head lice to death. However, it does not have any effect on nits. Nit get sticky and can be removed with help of fine toothed nits comb. Coconut oil sticks and stop lice jumping from one head to other. Moreover, coconut oil smoothens the damaged scalp and helps healing faster.

Natural Lice Treatment Oil

Lice-Nil is a perfect blend of essential oils for effective lice treatment. It’s main ingredients are neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil. Lice-Nil is chemical free lice treatment methods. Apply Lice-Nil for 20 minutes and then rinse it. All the three essential oils of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil play their important and specific roles in lice removal. Rough combing followed by this procedure can help get rid of lice and lice eggs.

8 Natural home remedies for head lice that works!

Lice is a common nuisance all around the world. Head lice can be eliminated with these natural home remedies. Read most useful chemical-free head lice treatment advice now!

    1. Mayonnaise

This favourite spread of Americans finds a place in almost all household fridges. Mayonnaise is said to choke head lice and kill them. Apply this creamy stuff overnight and cover your head hair with shower cap. Next day rinse it with water and some kitchen detergent for all the grease to go away. Post to that wet combing with nit comb can get rid of lice. But the major issue here is, only lice are suffocated, the nits are still present and can hatch.

    1. Tea Tree Oil Lice Treatment

Tea tree oil has powerful antiseptic properties. It kills the lice. Although, there are a few combinations of other oils to be used with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil cannot be used as a single ingredient. Also, the nits remain intact and can hatch further. This is recommended 2-3 times a week.

    1. Coconut Oil Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is another most important ingredient found at home, which can be effectively used for head lice treatment. It spreads evenly and sticks to hair. Smothering technique useful in this case for head lice treatment. Also, coconut oil traps head lice from jumping and spreading, due to its sticky and greasy nature. Above all, it has a pleasant smell.

    1. Neem Oil Lice Treatment

Neem oil is said to have insecticidal and additional medicinal properties which helps get rid of lice fast. Neem oil is most trusted and proved head lice treatment oil. Neem oil needs to be applied with other essential oils to get rid of lice completely.

    1. Hair Dryer

Hair dryer will not kill all the head lice. If blown dry with maximum setting can destroy nits and kill a few of head lice. Although, there would always be a chance that few of lice fall off and others coming in contact with it can get infested with it.

    1. Wet Combing

Wet combing is another technique that one can do at home to get rid of head lice. It involves wetting of hair with water or conditioner and using fine toothed or nit comb. This needs repetition of 4-5 times a week until no lice or lice eggs are found. Wet combing is a very time consuming and it hurts very badly on sensitive scalp. It has to used in conjuncture with other treatments.

    1. Nit Picking

As the name suggests, this literally means picking each and every nit from you hair. You may use tools like nit comes, small brushes and normal bare fingers. This is tedious and time consuming process. This needs to be done repeatedly till all the nits and lice are taken out.

    1. Salt and Vinegar

Salt and vinegar combination is said to have proved successful for treating of head lice. Salt dehydrated the small lice whereas vinegar kills the young lice and nits. Though, this mixture has no effect on elder or grown lice. Vinegar only helps loosen the glue of head lice on hair strands. This methods needs combing after being done.

Lice Treatment Oil

As discussed above, there are many head lice remedies that you can do at home. Being 100% natural and no use of chemical or even products in some cases, can help remove head lice. Lice-Nil is one such natural head lice treatment oil. It has main ingredients of tea tree oil, neem oil and coconut oil. Lice-Nil is proportionate blend of three essential oils used for lice removal.

Is your hair type prone to lice infestation?

The hair type is no concern for lice infestation. Head lice needs a small strand of hair to climb and reach scalp, where it feeds on.

Now, we all know how head lice spreads. There are a only few of preventive measures to adopt for saving yourself from head lice attack.

Even the cleaner hairs are more to contract head lice once they come in contact with clothing, combs used by infected persons or direct contact with the person infected by head lice. Lice only needs hair to cling and reach scalp where it can feed to survive.

On the contrary, lice is not selective of hair type. They can make nest to live and survive in long or short hair. Curly or straight hair doesn’t matter to lice. Be the colour of hair be black or white, natural color or dyed hair all can be a prey to head lice.

Lice exists in all countries in the world, across all age groups and each strata of the society. Girls or women are regarded more infestation-prone due to long hair length. However, studies have shown that hair length has less impact lice infestation.

Unfortunately, one cannot say what type of hair gets head lice. If this could have been possible, one having the ‘right’ kind of hair would be more cautious than to get the infestation. All lice need is a strand of hair to hold on which allows them to crawl to the scalp and live

People assume that lice like clean hair, while others say that for lice infestation the hair must be dirty hair. However, both are misconceptions are false. Scientists have been unable to prove that clean or dirty hair invites a lice infestation.

As lice needs warm temperatures to survive, they bury themselves in long strands of hair towards the scalp. Hence, people with very short, thinning, or balding hair may be at a lower risk. Although, there have been cases of short people hair having lice.

If head lice is detected, it is better to have chemical free head lice treatment.
Lice-Nil is natural head lice treatment oil with only there basic ingredients of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils. It is a easily available on Amazon.

3 steps to remove head lice, naturally!

Head Lice Treatment experts guide consumers about benefits of natural lice treatment oil and stepwise procedure to use Lice-Nil Read More now.

How is Lice-Nil better than other chemical/OTC lice removal products?

Identifying helpful solutions like tea tree oils, coconut oil and neem oil is not everything. One should also stay away from chemical OTC drugs for head lice treatment and dangerous methods like mayonnaise head lice treatment methods. Additionally, one should also know the procedure to use head lice removal oil, Lice-Nil.
What Next?
Before you rush to your local apothecary and buy up their supply of anise oil, consider that tea tree oil, a much more prevalent and easy-to-get essential oil, is even more effective. In fact, we use tea tree oil as an active ingredient in our lice treatment products, and highly recommend it as a preventative solution.

Steps to Treat Head Lice with Lice-Nil Oil:

  1. Apply Lice-Nil Oil to hair and spread evenly. It is a perfect combination of neem oil, coconut oil and tea tree oils. Neem oil chokes the lice and kills them. It also gets into opening of lice eggs and stops them from hatching. Coconut oil make hair greasy and lice cannot stick to hair to fall off easily.
  2. Leave it for 20 minutes and then comb out the lice and pick the nits. You will need to roughly comb with special lice and nits comb, such that dead lice and dead lice eggs fall off the head.
  3. Wash the hair with a mild cleansing shampoo. Again, no need to add harmful chemicals here; a shampoo with lots of essential oils works just fine!
  4. Repeat as necessary

Read here to know how Lice-Nil natural lice treatment oil is correct choice than other products to get rid of lice.

Which natural lice removal product is the best?

Lice-Nil is chemical free and 100% natural lice treatment oil. It is best as it kills lice and removes nits, easy to use is another benefits of Lice-Nil Oil.

How Natural Lice Treatment Oil works?

Lice-Nil oil is a perfect blend of Neem Oil, Coconut oil and essential tea tree oils. Each of them has different properties to combat lice.

Neem Oil Lice Treatment

The primary ingredient, neem extract, is a vegetable oil pressed from the seeds and fruits of the Azadirachta indica tree. Neem Oil works by encapsulating and suffocating the lice and even penetrates the aeropyles (tiny openings) at the top of lice eggs. Blocking the oxygen flow, it prevents nits from hatching.

Coconut Oil for Lice Treatment

Coconut oil is greasy in nature. It stops lice from clinging to hair roots and fall off easily. Simliarly, the nits are also removed with nits comb aftr Lice-Nil treatment.

Tea Tree Oil Lice Treatment

Tea tree oil acts as a suffocant, thus, making it helpful in killing bugs. The scent of tea tree oil is particularly effective in repelling or killing bugs. Tea Tree Oil is highly useful in treating symptoms of irritation such as redness, flakiness and sore skin. Hence, we an conclude that tea tree oils are majorly used to repair the scalp and skin damaged by head lice.

How to Use Lice-Nil?

Lice-Nil is a chemical free head lice treatment formula. It is oil based lice removal product. Lice-Nil is used in 3 easy steps.

  • Step One
    Apply natural lice treatment oil evenly through dry hair.
  • Step Two
    Leave it for 20 minutes and let neem oil and coconut oils show the magic. Tea tree oil will prevent any odour and help repair the damage done to scalp by lice.
  • Step Three
    Wash hair with water and normal shampoo. Roughly comb away the dead lice and nits from our hair with nits comb.

Who can use Lice-Nil – lice treatment oil?

  1. Lice-Nil is suitable for dry hair and oily hair
  2. Lice-Nil is suitable for long hair as well as short hair
  3. Lice-Nil is suitable for adults as well as kids. Being chemical free it has no side effects

7 Most Effective Ways of Head Lice Treatment

Getting rid of lice completely and preventing it from coming again is not a once time process. Read here most effective seven ways of head lice treatment.

  1. Make sure it’s Head Lice

  2. Dandruff or dry skin can also be a cause of itchy and disturbing scalp, instead of lice. Not all fretful, flaky scalps are because of lice. Before starting a head lice treatment programme, an individual ought to make sure that lice or their eggs are present.
    Dandruff, dry skin, and a few scalp infections will mimic the symptoms of lice. A careful scrutiny, flaky skin may also not even check lice eggs or small tiny lice. To check for lice, individuals should wet their hair and check for it. Lice are grey-brown and will be visible on the scalp. Wetting the hair will create it easier to identify them. Lice eggs are attached to near the root of hair near to scalp.

  3. Understand the Lice Treatment Method

  4. Lice treatments use gentle chemicals that are safe to use on the scalp. However, some may be poisonous, which implies youngsters should be supervised with more utter care.
    People with a history of skin allergies or alternative uncommon reactions, particularly to pesticides or to topical merchandise, should consult a doctor before starting such lice treatments.

    Few Reasons to consult a doctor before lice treatment:

    1. previous head lice treatments failed
    2. there is a history of lice coming again and again
    3. the scalp is rough, bloody, infected or crusty
    4. lice don’t seem to be visible

    Adult female lice lay about six eggs each day. Thus comes to calculations that little lice infestation will quickly bring about to a way larger one. The correct head lice treatment is killing adult lice and removing their eggs (nits).

  5. Over The Counter Choices

  6. A number of over-the-counter choices are available in the market. Follow the directions on the package, some may need it shampoo to stay on the scalp for certain minutes while others will need multiple applications of product. After lice treatment from OTC options, few measures need to be adopted for cleaning lice infestation from usable fabrics, furniture and furnishings.

  7. Remove nits with a comb

  8. If the treatment doesn’t promise to kill all eggs, use a fine-tooth nit comb to comb out all nits. This could be tedious and painful task to do. Even if a shampoo guarantees to kill eggs, removing the nits by hand will speed up treatment and scale back the chance of a reinfestation. For effective egg removal, use a nit comb on the scalp a day for a minimum of every week. This ensures that, albeit some eggs go unperceived, all or most ar eventually removed.

  9. Clean sources of contagion

  10. It is vital to clean things like hats and pillow cases that have get direct contact with the hair of infested person. Lice cannot live for more than 24 hours after it fall off from human head But nits can survive if they get same dwelling conditions. You can read more about cleaning measures after lice treatment in one of our blogs.

  11. Keep youngsters home

  12. Parents could also be reluctant to stay youngsters home from school, once if they need to travel and there is no one to take care at home. However, sending kids to school once they have cleared ice treatment, there is heavy risk of getting re-infestation again. This will make repeat tedious process again.

  13. Best Chemical Free Head Lice Treatment

  14. Lice-Nil is a lice treatment oil which is 100% natural. It has a perfect blend of neem oil, coconut oil and essential tea tree oils. This chemical free head lice treatment not only kills lice but also eliminates nits. Apply for 20 minutes and rinse off. A rough single combing after this treatment will remove all nits.